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【来源: | 发布日期:2021-05-31 】





Email: lyou@hust.edu.cn 


1997年9月-2001年7月 吉林大学 本科 

2001年9月-2004年7月 华中科技大学 硕士 

2005年4月-2008年3月 日本名古屋大学 博士 

2008年5月-2009年4月 法国国家研究中心(CNRS)博士后 

2009年9月-2010年6月 日本理化学研究所(RIKEN)博士后 

2010年9月-2012年10月 美国加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)博士后 

2012年11月-2015年6月 美国加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)助理项目科学家 

2015年7月至今 华中科技大学教授


  游龙教授一直从事与自旋电子及微电子技术相关的国际技术前沿课题研究。近五年来,在国家人才项目、基金委创新群体和面上项目等支持下,面向国家重大需求和国际前沿,在非挥发性随机存储器、自旋神经形态器件、自旋逻辑计算电路和信息安全器件等领域开创性地提出了多项重要的新技术概念和设计方案,并在实验中得到验证。游龙教授取得了多项具有国际领先水平的创新性研究成果。近五年来,以第一或通讯作者在Nature Nanotechnology,Proceedings of National Academy of Science (PNAS),Nano Letters,Nano Energy,Advanced Electronic Materials,Applied Physics Letters,Physics Review Applied,IEEE Electron Device Letters等期刊发表多篇论文,在信息安全方面的研究成果被2018 IEDM会议接收。以主要作者和合作作者在Nature Materials、Nature nanotechnology、PNAS、Nature Communications等期刊发表多篇论文。研究成果被Nat.Nanotechnol、Nature Electronics、Nat. Commun.等重要期刊他引,总被引次数达到2700次,并被Science、News & Views of Nat.Nanotechnol、Phy.Org、科技日报、央视新闻等媒体作为高新技术报道。实验室毕业生就业形势良好,多在华为、长江存储、烽火通信、华星光电和天马微电子等相关领域企业从事研发工作。













3、科技部, 国家重大专项,2017ZX01031-101, 新型半导体存储器关键技术研发与应用验证,2016-01至2020-06,10000万元,在研,参加。


1、Jian Zhang, Zhe Guo, Shuai Zhang, Zhen Cao, Ruofan Li, Jiangwei Cao, Min Song, Meilin Wan, Jeongmin Hong, and Long You*. Spin-orbit torque-based reconfigurable physically unclonable functions. Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 192406 (2020).

2、Zhe Guo, Qiang Luo, Houbing Huang, Shuai Zhang, Xiaoming Shi, Fei Sun, Yanzhou Ji, Qiming Zou, Min Song, Xiaofei Yang, Deyang Chen, Jeongmin Hong, Long-Qing Chen, Long You*. Low-energy complementary ferroelectric-nanocrack logic. Nano Energy. accepted. (2020).

3、Qiang Luo, Zhe Guo, Shuai Zhang, Xiaofei Yang, Xuecheng Zou ,Jeongmin Hong , and Long You*. Crack-Based Complementary Nanoelectromechanical Switches for Reconfigurable Computing. IEEE Electron Device Lett. 41, 784 (2020). (封面文章)

4、S. Luo, N. Xu, Y. Wang, J. Hong, and L. You*. Thermally Assisted Skyrmion Memory. IEEE Electron Device Lett. 41, 932 (2020).

5、S. Luo, M. Song, M. Shen, Y. Zhang, J. Hong, and L. You*. Skyrmion Latch and Flip-Flop in Magnetic Nanotracks with Gradient Anisotropy. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 494, 165739 (2020).

6、Qiang Luo#, Zhe Guo#, Houbing Huang, Qiming Zou, Xiangwei Jiang, Shuai Zhang, Hongjuan Wang, Min Song, Bao Zhang, Hong Chen, Haoshuang Gu, Genquan Han, Xiaofei Yang, Xuecheng Zou, Kai-You Wang, Zhiqi Liu, Jeongmin Hong, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Long You*. Nanoelectromechanical switches by controlled switchable cracking, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 47, 1209 (2019).

7、S. Luo, N. Xu, Z. Guo, Y. Zhang, J. Hong, and L. You*. Voltage-Controlled Skyrmion Memristor for Energy-Efficient Synapse Applications.IEEE Electron Device Lett. 40, 635 (2019).

8、S. Zhang, S. Luo, N. Xu, Q. Zou, M. Song, J. Yun, Q. Luo, Z. Guo, R. Li, W. Tian, X. Li, H. Zhou, H. Chen, Y. Zhang, X. Yang, W. Jiang, K. Shen, J. Hong, Z. Yuan, L. Xi, K. Xia, S. Salahuddin, B. Dieny, and L. You*. A Spin-Orbit-Torque Memristive Device. Adv. Electron. Mater.1800782 (2019). (内封面文章)

9、J. Hong*, Xin Li, OukJae Lee, Weicheng Tian, Sakhrat Khizroev, Jeffrey Bokor, and Long You*. Demonstration of spin transfer torque (STT) magnetic recording. Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 243101 (2019).

10、S. Zhang#, Y. Su#, X. Li, R. Li, W. Tian, J. Hong, and L. You*. Spin-orbit-torque-driven multilevel switching in Ta/CoFeB/MgO structures without initialization.Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 042401 (2019).

11、H. Chen#, S. Zhang#, N. Xu, M. Song, X. Li, R. Li, Y. Zeng, J. Hong, and L. You*. Binary and Ternary True Random Number Generators Based on Spin Orbit Torque. 2018 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 36.5.1–36.5.4 (2018).

12、H. Chen#, M. Song#, Z. Guo#, R. Li, Q. Zou, S. Luo, S. Zhang, Q. Luo, J. Hong, and L. You*. Highly secure physically unclonable cryptographic primitives based on interfacial magnetic anisotropy. Nano Lett. 18, 7211 (2018).

13、X. Li, S. Luo, H. Qin, J. Hong, and L. You*. Spin Dice Based on Orthogonal Spin-Transfer Devices with Planar Polarizer. IEEE Trans. Magn. 54, 1 (2018).

14、J. Hong*, K. Dong, J. Bokor, and L. You*. Self-assembled single-digit nanometer memory cells. Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 062404 (2018).

15、J. Hong*, M. Stone, B. Navarrete, K. Luongo, Q. Zheng, Z. Yuan, K. Xia, N. Xu, J. Bokor, L. You*, and S. Khizroev. 3D multilevel spin transfer torque devices. Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 112402 (2018).

16、S. Luo, M. Song, X. Li, Y. Zhang, J. Hong, X. Yang, X. Zou, N. Xu, and L. You*. Reconfigurable skyrmion logic gates. Nano Lett. 18, 1180 (2018).

17、Y. Zhang, S. Luo, B. Yan, J. Ou-Yang*, X. Yang, S. Chen, B. Zhu and L. You*. Magnetic skyrmions without the skyrmion Hall effect in a magnetic nanotrack with perpendicular anisotropy. Nanoscale, 9, 10212 (2017).

18、L. You, O. Lee, D. Bhowmik, D. Labanowski, J. Hong, J. Bokor, and S. Salahuddin*. Switching of perpendicularly polarized nanomagnets with spin orbit torque without an external magnetic field by engineering a tilted anisotropy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 112, 10310 (2015).

19、D. Bhowmik#, L. You#, and S. Salahuddin. Spin Hall effect clocking of nanomagnetic logic without a magnetic field. Nat. Nanotechnol. 9, 59 (2014).